
Tackling some Common Challenges of Distance Teaching and Learning

  • Sektor: przedszkole/zerówka, szkoła podstawowa klasy 1-3, szkoła średnia, szkoła językowa, szkoła podstawowa klasy 4-8
  • Trener: Laura Patsko
  • Język: angielski


Since COVID-19 forced many teachers and learners worldwide to move quickly online, a number of common challenges have arisen. This webinar draws on research recently conducted by Macmillan ELT with teachers working in a variety of new circumstances.

We are looking at some practical solutions to the issues many of us are facing now: how to keep learners engaged and motivated? How to encourage meaningful collaboration and communication? And what to do about wellbeing – both online and offline, for both learners and teachers?

Laura Patsko


Laura Patsko


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