
Writing Begins with a Single Sentence. From Micro- to Macro-writing for Extended Matura

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  • Typ szkolenia: e-konferencja
  • Trener: dr Monika Cichmińska

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Writing for extended matura is a complex skill – and so is teaching it. In order to deal with advanced tasks successfully, students need to master a whole range of linguistic resources, as well as thinking and planning skills. This can be challenging and even daunting, particularly if we flood students with writing tasks, which seem overwhelming, or even impossible to accomplish. However, it can also be rewarding, if done properly.

In this webinar, I’ll argue that we need to do it strategically, starting with micro-writing, i.e. getting students to write their first sentence – quite literally. Then moving on, gradually, to expanding a simple sentence into a complex one. And subsequently to writing paragraphs, and eventually planning and writing whole essays. I will share some tried-and-tested strategies on how to do this both in and outside the classroom, how to give writing feedback which matters, and how to instill confidence for tackling more advanced writing tasks, such as those at the extended matura.

dr Monika Cichmińska


dr Monika Cichmińska


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