

Szczegóły wideo:

  • Typ szkolenia: wideo
  • Trener: dr Grzegorz Śpiewak
  • Język: angielski

Szczegóły szkolenia:

Opis szkolenia:

If you have read the new matura Informator, you are likely to be asking yourself a rather pressing question: which of these imminent changes should I actually take into account when planning my teaching in months to come? And, equally importantly: how should I divide up my attention – and orient my students’ activities – to take into consideration the overall sense of significantly increased requirements and expectations?!

This is precisely what this session aims to address. We will cut through the administrative noise and sift through all the available info in order to isolate and highlight areas that are truly relevant – and as such should impact on what you will be doing with your upper-secondary third graders behind your language classroom doors. We’ll also examine in some detail the selection and format of new exam tasks, which will give you a number of pointers about what the real priorities are for you and your students.

dr Grzegorz Śpiewak


dr Grzegorz Śpiewak


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