
Cut & Taste

on effective Matura 2021 exam preparation strategies

  • Sektor: szkoła średnia
  • Trener: Marta Rosińska
  • Język: angielski
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This year’s Matura exam is about three months away, and both teachers and students are wondering how to best prepare for it. The exam is expected to be less challenging in terms of the number of tasks and their content, but - just like in the previous years - learners do need to know where to direct their attention the most. This year’s strategies, in my opinion, should involve the appropriate selection of the language to be taught and revised and its in-depth treatment.

That’s why in my session I intend to show what language and structures I suggest we can safely cut out this year, and which items we should taste, i.e. cover in detail. I will also share some ideas for revising the language effectively with your Matura students.

Dla kogo jest szkolenie?

  • Nauczyciele j. angielskiego w szkołach ponadpodstawowych
  • Egzaminatorzy maturalni

Czego nauczysz się na szkoleniu?

  • how to select the material to review for Matura 2021 using the 'cut and taste' technique
  • how to effectively revise the language in a cumulative way, e.g. using the Wordwall application
  • how to help your learners study on their own at home, using revision templates
Marta Rosińska


Marta Rosińska


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Inspirujemy, wspieramy, towarzyszymy w rozwoju

Wystarczy, że zarejestrujesz się w naszym serwisie a otrzymasz pełen dostęp do szkoleń

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