
Matura 2023

Key questions, key answers, key materials

Szczegóły wideo:

  • Typ szkolenia: wideo
  • Trener: Marta Rosińska
  • Trener: Katarzyna Gala
  • Język: angielski, polski
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Szczegóły szkolenia:

Opis szkolenia:

Marta Rosińska: High-impact Teaching Towards Matura 2023

Effective preparation for the new Matura will certainly be about memory-friendly, focused use of classroom time to get our students ready for the new types of tasks and modified exam requirements. The learners definitely need a practical approach, succinct guidance, bite-sized insights, multiple exposures, metacognitive strategies and plenty of feedback to deal with the new exam confidently. Is it achievable, and if so, how do we teachers go about it?

Hence, my brand new, hands-on webinar, during which I will:

  • examine new exam tasks which may pose some cognitive and linguistic difficulty to the learner (like open-ended tasks)
  • present a variety of high-impact techniques for language acquisition and revision
  • share easy-to-implement activities to increase student interest and engagement in the lesson.

Some illustration for these will come from the new Macmillan Repetytorium for Matura 2023, which I am a co-author of.

Marta Rosińska & Katarzyna Gala: Matura 2023 Teachers’ Q&A Session

Let’s face it: there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the modified requirements of the Matura exam, and English teachers have been quick to notice various underdefined areas, gaps and question marks about how best to respond to all these new challenges behind classroom doors, in daily teaching. Social media outlets have been overflowing with heated discussions – so it’s high time we addressed the most frequently asked questions and, we hope, put teachers’ troubled minds at peace.

This is precisely the purpose of this lively, interactive session. Katarzyna Gala, a practicing upper-secondary teacher herself as well as the enthusiastic leader of the RoadMap to Matura 2023 group on Facebook, will act as the collective teachers’ voice – and fire all those urgent questions at Marta Rosińska. In sum, a super lively discussion guaranteed. Come along to be part of it and have your say if you wish.

Marta Rosińska


Marta Rosińska
Katarzyna Gala


Katarzyna Gala


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