dr Karolina Kotorowicz-Jasińska

dr Karolina Kotorowicz-Jasińska

Krótkie BIO

An assistant professor at an English Department at UMCS in Lublin and holds a PhD degree in applied linguistics. For many years now, Karolina has been professionally involved in ELT in a variety of ways – as a teacher of English at various levels of proficiency, a teacher trainer and a DOS, maximizing the potential of both teachers-to-be as well as experienced educators Karolina is also a co-author of some of the popular coursebooks, including Impulse, Password or Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty. Her academic interests include receptive skills, from the perspective of both psycholinguistics and strategy training as well as developing learners’ vocabulary. She believes that effort and task engagement are absolutely necessary for any language learning to take place.

In her private life, Karolina is a health-oriented sports amateur, investing a lot energy into what she loves the most - family, wellness and good food.

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