dr Monika Cichmińska

dr Monika Cichmińska

Krótkie BIO

Monika Cichmińska has been teaching English for over 30 years. After graduating from the University of Łódź, where she specialised in linguistics, she co-founded Progres, a private language school in Łódź, where she taught at all levels and was the Director of Studies. In 1999 she finished her doctorate in linguistics and moved to Olsztyn, where she works at the University of Warmia and Mazury. She also works for English Perfect, a private language school in Olsztyn, where she is the Director of Studies. She likes to work as a teacher trainer and she is an author of teaching materials.

She enjoys working with people, and likes to combine theory (linguistics, psychology and neuroscience) with practice (teaching English on all levels). She is particularly interested in teaching, or rather uncovering grammar, motivation (of both students and teachers), affective factors in learning, the social nature of learning, and what brain studies can possibly tell us about what happens in the brain when we learn. In her free time, she likes to read, learn new things, go to the cinema or watch TV series.

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