Bezpłatny cykl szkoleń New Matura – Your Positive Impulse

Z ogromną radością zapraszamy na wyjątkowy cykl szkoleń metodycznych online dla nauczycieli szkół średnich: New Matura – Your Positive Impulse. Obejrzyj wystąpienia dr Joanny Heidtman, dr Karoliny Kotorowicz-Jasińskiej oraz dra Grzegorza Śpiewaka, którzy opowiedzą o motywacji, stresie i odporności psychicznej w życiu i pracy nauczyciela, o wyzwaniach, którym należy stawić czoła, aby skutecznie przygotować „nowych nastolatków” do nowego egzaminu maturalnego.


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Matura 2023: key questions, key answers, key materials

Effective preparation for the new Matura will certainly be about memory-friendly, focused use of classroom time to get our students ready for the new types of tasks and modified exam requirements. The learners definitely need a practical approach, succinct guidance, bite-sized insights, multiple exposures, metacognitive strategies and plenty of feedback to deal with the new exam confidently. Is it achievable, and if so, how do we teachers go about it?

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Three most useful strategies for your new Matura students

As with every exam, you can either flood your students with sample papers, or you can teach them the skills and strategies which will be useful and applicable not only for their exam preparation, but will help them become better learners and users of English. In the session, I will talk about three strategies which I find most useful, given the changes to the form and content of Matura 2023. In my view, each of these strategies will help your students get better not just at one specific new matura task but at a whole range of exam tasks. Come along to find out what these strategies are, where exactly they are indispensable in the new exam, and how to teach them to your students in practical, tried-and-tested ways. Some illustration will come from the upcoming Macmillan Repetytorium for Matura 2023.

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Matura 2015 vs 2023: Changes that really matter in your classroom

If you have read the new matura Informator, you are likely to be asking yourself a rather pressing question: which of these imminent changes should I actually take into account when planning my teaching in months to come? And, equally importantly: how should I divide up my attention – and orient my students’ activities – to take into consideration the overall sense of significantly increased requirements and expectations?! This is precisely what this session aims to address. We will cut through the administrative noise and sift through all the available info in order to isolate and highlight areas that are truly relevant – and as such should impact on what you will be doing with your upper-secondary third graders behind your language classroom doors. We’ll also examine in some detail the selection and format of new exam tasks, which will give you a number of pointers about what the real priorities are for you and your students.

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Układanie informacji w kolejności (Spotlight on New Matura Skills)

If you have read the new matura Informator, you are likely to be asking yourself a rather pressing question: which of these imminent changes should I actually take into account when planning my teaching in months to come? And, equally importantly: how should I divide up my attention - and orient my students' activities - to take into consideration the overall sense of significantly increased requirements and expectations?! This is precisely what this session aims to address. We will cut through the administrative noise and sift through all the available info in order to isolate and highlight areas that are truly relevant - and as such should impact on what you will be doing with your upper-secondary third graders behind your language classroom doors. We'll also examine in some detail the selection and format of new exam tasks, which will give you a number of pointers about what the real priorities are for you and your students.

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Wyciąganie wniosków (Spotlight on New Matura Skills)

Drawing conclusions embraces a number of subskills from inferring information to speculating about the cause and effect of the events presented in the text. Drawing conclusions needs concentration, attention to detail, and above all cognitive patience, all of which are teachable. Watch Marta Rosińska's session to learn about her findings on modern reading habits and activities which will help your students draw conclusions from what they read.

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Odróżnianie faktów od opinii (Spotlight on New Matura Skills)

In today?s world, flooded with new information, being able to distinguish facts from opinions, personal opinions from ?common knowledge?, and real information from fake news is a crucial life skill, in personal life and for academic purposes of our students. As parents and teachers, we need to do everything to make our children and students aware of its importance and meaning. In her session dr Monika Cichmińska will demonstrate that distinguishing fact from opinion is a skill which is both teachable and manageable in the English classroom.

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Informacje wyrażane pośrednio (Spotlight on New Matura Skills)

Understanding implicity is not only a language skill listed by the New Core Curriculum, but also a very important life skill in general. Implicity is a compound skill incorporating a number of important language features. Students who can use implicity actively can also recognize it in passive competence tasks. Watch dr Czesław Kiński share ideas for teaching students to use the art of implicit expression and to spot this phenomenon in listening and reading comprehension tasks.

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Streszczanie tekstów (Spotlight on New Matura Skills)

Summarising texts is a complex skill, which involves a number minor processes and, as a result, cannot be taught as one entity. If we want to teach our students to sum up spoken and written texts, it seems mandatory to do it in a step-by-step manner, for example by showing students how to look at texts holistically, paraphrasing main ideas or taking notes. Dr Karolina Kotorowicz-Jasińska?s session demonstrates how to take on such a minor step approach to teaching summarizing and demonstrates a range of activities developing those sub-skills.

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Prezentowanie informacji (Spotlight on New Matura Skills)

Giving presentations is not only a useful skill for a learner, but a crucial life skill, for academic and professional purposes. Presenting information skillfully is also a very complex communicative task, integrating a whole range of micro-skills. Watch dr Grzegorz Śpiewak share some of his best tips and tricks on how to help students design and deliver effective, engaging, and attractive presentations.

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Licealista pokolenia 3.0: diagnoza kognitywna, emocjonalna i społeczna

Współczesny licealista to zupełnie inna osoba niż jego rówieśnik 10 lat temu. Jest bardziej świadomy swoich potrzeb. Ma dobrze rozwinięte kompetencje poznawcze. Ucząc się, korzysta z wielu źródeł informacji i potrafi je szybko przetwarzać. Ale też musi się zmierzyć ze znacznie większą liczbą złożonych komunikatów, łatwo się rozprasza i popełnia błędy. W dodatku, szuka swojej tożsamości, próbuje chronić własną niezależność. To z kolei powoduje większe niż kiedyś trudności w funkcjonowaniu w kontekście społecznym i tworzeniu znaczących relacji interpersonalnych.

Znajomość tych wszystkich procesów to fundament jakiejkolwiek skutecznej dydaktyki, także językowej. To sposób na to, jak odnaleźć się w roli nauczyciela w pracy z pokoleniem 3.0.

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