Having seen the new Informator and sample exam paper published by CKE recently, many of us are concerned about the large number of open tasks. Are they a reason to worry? Yes and no, depending to a large extent on our approach and class strategies.
In my session I’m going to analyse different kinds of open tasks in the new egzamin ósmoklasisty, especially those which require mediating texts, pointing out potential traps and problem areas they might initially cause to the students. I will also present a two-step approach to such tasks: first, processing of the text/texts provided, and then using information from the text(s) to complete the task at hand. Most importantly, though, I will try to convince you that preparing the students for these open tasks might ultimately make them more effective language users. So, rather than worry, let’s keep an open mind and see this less as a challenge and more as an opportunity to rethink how we work with our learners.


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