
Operation Matura 2023

  • egzaminy
  • umiejętności językowe
  • planowanie lekcji

Szczegóły wideo:

  • Typ szkolenia: wideo
  • Ścieżka: egzaminy
  • Sektor: szkoły średnie
  • Trener: Marta Rosińska
  • Język: angielski

Szczegóły szkolenia:

Opis szkolenia:

Judging from the Core Curriculum for the 8th grader exam, we can easily assume that the new Matura tasks will also increase in their complexity both linguistic and cognitive, which will have to result in more engaged and focused language training involving a far greater number of language processing activities than ever before. The role of the teacher will, therefore, shift from being just a language provider to what I call ‘a language surgeon’. The challenge will be to teach teenage students to analyse and engage with the language at a more in-depth level, concentrating on the so-called higher order thinking skills (HOTS) instead of lower order thinking skills (LOTS). If you want to learn how to conduct such an operation smoothly behind your classroom doors and find out more about teaching HOTS to teenagers, come to my practical session. I will dissect the potential changes in the exam tasks and offer a great variety of methodological tools (from text analysis to paraphrasing) to help you and your students deal with them.

What will you learn during the webinar?

  • How to structure lessons that address the new Core Curriculum requirements and appeal to secondary school students
  • How to go beyond lower-order thinking skills (LOTS) and foster the development of higher-order thinking skills (HOTs)
  • How to promote deeper linguistic processing and practise paraphrasing
  • How to raise linguistic awareness through new types of text-based activities

Why is it worth taking part in the webinar?

Quite simply because you are facing a truly major challenge – and so will be well advised to seek reliable, no-nonsense advice from someone you can trust. The challenge is how to respond smartly to the more ambitious standards of achievement, imposed in the new Core Curriculum. Judging by the way they have impacted on the 8th graders’ school-leaving exam, these new standards are certain to change a lot about how learners are taught – and tested – at the upper secondary phase. But if this is so, you need solid analyses, workable strategies, and top quality tools. That’s just what you will benefit from during this session.

Marta Rosińska


Marta Rosińska


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