In the modern world, foreign language literacy goes far beyond the ability to read and write. To function independently and flexibly, a young English learner needs to acquire the skills to critically and adequately interpret messages that are presented in various forms including words, images, videos and digital feeds.
Our role as language teachers is not only to provide our students with appropriate vocabulary, grammar and language skills, but perhaps more importantly, to help them make sense of all the information that is most often conveyed within a specific cultural and social contexts, and use it effectively to engage in meaningful interactions in and outside the classroom.
In this practical session we are going to investigate a number of ready-to-use classroom activities that are based on visual, digital and culturally relevant real-life materials which engage young learners in authentic communication and enhance their understanding not only of the English language itself but also of the contemporary world that surrounds them. The illustration will come from the new course Learning Lands, published by Macmillan Education.
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