

Getting language education right for Generation Alpha – and helping them learn the most

  • Sektor: szkoła podstawowa klasy 4-8
  • Trener: Marta Rosińska
  • Język: angielski


With every new generation of students coming to our classrooms, we adjust our methods of teaching, look for new ways of reaching the young minds and experiment with novel techniques of motivating our learners. But, how is this new ‘Generation Alpha’ actually different from the previous ones in terms of their learning needs, patterns and difficulties? Consequently, what are the most effective and engaging activities that these new 4th graders will best respond to? And how can we help them grow mentally, emotionally and socially while teaching English in grade 4 and beyond?

In my hands-on session I will discuss the practical outcomes of the research on the educational needs of Generation Alpha. I will also present a great variety of tried and tested classroom activities, to practise vocabulary, grammar and language skills, which are guaranteed to make your students focused, engaged and comfortable in the classroom, all with a view to making language education right for our 4th graders.

Marta Rosińska


Marta Rosińska


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