
Navigating the Challenges of Teaching Advanced Levels for the Extended Matura 2025+

Szczegóły wideo:

  • Typ szkolenia: e-konferencja
  • Trener: Marta Rosińska

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Opis szkolenia:

Teaching English to advanced levels can be a lot of fun, but it also poses a number of serious challenges. As students progress to higher language proficiency, the demands become more intricate, necessitating a balance of accuracy, fluency and, above all, complexity in language use. With more and more of them deciding to take the Extended Matura, many a teacher wonders what else we can do to help our students achieve the desired language dexterity.

This session is designed to empower you as an English teacher with some strategies to effectively navigate the intricacies of teaching advanced levels, particularly focusing on the challenges presented by the fickle nature of the Use of English section and open-ended tasks. Special attention will be given to vocabulary treatment at the B2+ levels as well as to the skills of paraphrasing and summarizing, needed to cope with the exam tasks. Lots of hands-on ideas to take away and use in your teaching practice guaranteed!

Marta Rosińska


Marta Rosińska


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